Corporate Services
How to Prepare for a session:
1. Am I blocking my success?
2. Communicating with my clients; How can I relate better with my clients to improve relations, increase sales?
3. What are the Emotional or Karmic aspects that are keeping myself or my company from the outcome I desire?
4. Employees, are they working to their true potential? Are there any talents that can be better utilized?
5. Product review & market review.
6. Is it time to expand or restructure & how to get to that point?
7. Is there any one in the company that I need to be aware of or is there any one in the company that can help me?
8. Financial outlook & planning.
9. Office environment, energy clearing & balancing.
10. Creating a daily positive work outlook.
Mentoring & Spiritual Guidance for:
Career Path & Purpose within Career
Financial Goals or Blockages
Leadership & Management Skills
Improving Communications & Relationships with
Colleagues & Clients
Business Planning, Expansion, Growth
Sales Strategies
Departmental Structures
Hiring & Discharge Decisions
Product Development
All session & personal information are confidential.
Some of Sherry’s Corporate Industries include, but not limited to: