2022 Energy Almanac
Have you ever wondered why you feel or react differently at times for no apparent reason? Emotions are the result of our thoughts and the universe that surrounds us. As the stars, moon, and planets align in different patterns, they create emotional reactions that are either positive of negative influences on our bodies. There are opportunities and remedies for different alignments that we can experience and gain from in our daily lives. This monthly guide maps out the universal shifts over the course of 2022 allowing you to navigate these energies to your benefit.
You will discover the patterns of the planetary retrogrades, solstices, equinoxes, energy grids, star gates, and flying stars. Opportunities and remedies during the moon phases and monthly mantras to align and support your emotional and physical health.
Love Magnet
Available January 1st, 2022!
2021 Energy Almanac
Available as Paperback or Kindle
New ebook series published on Amazon. Collection of 5 books focused on purpose & success, making money, love, health & weight loss. Available on Amazon Kindle.
The energy of thought and emotions collide to create our reality. To experience a new reality we must first experience new thoughts. This book guides you into the thoughts that lead you down new paths, new experiences, a new reality.
We all deserve to live the life we desire.
First book available for free download or Amazon Kindle.
Mastering the art of prosperity can be achieved by reflecting our desires into our reality through our thoughts, emotions and beliefs. Those that live in prosperity use mantras to harness the thoughts of abundance to remain a constant in their lives. This book will help guide your thoughts of prosperity into the reality you desire.
The body, mind and soul flow together conducting a perfect symphony each effecting the other. When in perfect harmony we have the beauty of health. When one is out of balance, all three will become out of balance. To restore the harmony, a healthy mindset created by mantras opens the door to healing and transformation.
We have purposes in this world, knowing what they are and experiencing them creates passion for life and evolutionary achievements. Harnessing and focusing on the thoughts of success and purpose will open the doors to discovering that passion. This book will guide you to those thoughts and transformation to create the success in life you desire to experience.
The energy of thought and emotions collide to create our reality. To experience a new reality we must first experience new thoughts. This book guides you into the thoughts that lead you down new paths, new experiences, a new reality.
We all deserve the love we desire.